I study, design, and build visualization systems

I'm with Information Interfaces Research Group at Georgia Tech, advised by Dr. John Stasko. My research interests lie in interactive visualization, data-driven journalism, and HCI. Specifically, I am interested in bringing insights to the masses through reaching, engaging, and enlightening more people with novel interactive visualization and data-driven storytelling. I was a NBA journalist before I came to Tech.


  • Supporting Data-Driven Basketball Journalism through Interactive Visualization
    Yu Fu, John Stasko | CHI 2022
    Paper Link | Video

  • Understanding the Effects of Visualizing Missing Values on Visual Data Exploration
    Hayeong Song, Yu Fu, Bahador Saket, John Stasko | VIS 2021 Short Paper


some are for papers, most are for fun...

NBA GameViz

interactively visualizing NBA game information and advanced statistics to support novel narrative construction and insight communication.

NBA LineupViz

interactively visualizing NBA teams' lineup performance, with emphasis on advanced statistics and playing time

NBA Travel Route

interactive visualization interface that animates teams' traveling routes

Shot Quality

Participatory design project w/ ShotQuality.

BBallIndex Player Profile

Unfinished participatory design project w/ BBallIndex. It focuses on showing different advanced statistics generated by BBallIndex for each player.


SongBridge allows users to compare multiple playlists and visualize the connections and similarity between them.

Who didn't vote for me

interactively visualizing MVP voting results